The Electronic Mathematician
Call For Papers
Call for Papers

A Publication of the
University of British Columbia
Mathematics Department
We invite you to submit ``papers'' to

We seek to produce a lively, timely, refereed electronic journal whose content will focus on the communication of Mathematics, at all levels, via digital media.

The main criterion for acceptance, other than quality, is that the submission have an essentially ``electronic'' component, for example, interactivity, output from graphics programs, lots of color, parts in HTML, or other features which conventional paper journals can't handle. We provide technical advice.

For more information please see the detailed call for papers or write to

Email: sunsite(at)math(dot)ubc(dot)ca
Bill Casselman
UBC SunSITE Director
Department of Mathematics The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Click on this image for more details.
Copyright ©1997 The University of British Columbia Mathematics Department
The Electronic Mathematician is hosted at SunSITE.UBC.CA, which is sponsored by a grant from Sun Microsystems, Inc. It is financially supported by a grant from the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.