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Solaris for PC's and Desktops

Frequently Asked Questions

Program Questions
Ordering Questions
Support Questions

Program Questions

  1. Why is Sun sponsoring this promotion?
  2. What is included in the package?
  3. Can I download Solaris software from the web?
  4. What languages are supported in this release?
  5. Doesn't the announcement of Free* Solaris mean that I paid too much for my workstation?
  6. I hear that Sun will be announcing a new release of Solaris in a few months, so how do I get a follow-on release of Solaris?
  7. What are the restrictions on using free* Solaris?
  8. Can I share my copy of the media with a friend?
  9. When I get the desktop media, or site license, can I use Solaris as a server or on a multiprocessor system?

Ordering Questions

  1. How do I order a free* copy of SolarisTM software?
  2. How do I get more than one free* Solaris licenses for the rest of my organization?
  3. What are the media and shipping costs for Solaris?
  4. I want to order copies in bulk, how do I do this?
  5. I do not have a credit card; how can I participate in this program?
  6. How long should I expect for shipping?

Support Questions

  1. What are the minimum system requirements for the Solaris operating environment?
  2. Is installation service included with my copy of Solaris?
  3. How do I get support after installation?

  4. What impact does the availability of free licenses for Solaris have on my ScholarPAC support agreement -- why do I still need this?


Program Questions

  1. Why is Sun sponsoring this promotion?

    1. To seed and develop an enthusiastic, active SolarisTM software following in the developer and academic communities. Sun believes that more developers should have the opportunity to experience the power of the industry's most scalable, reliable and high performance operating environment as an alternative to their current O/S.

  2. What is included in the package?

    1. The Solaris Operating Environment, version 2.6, includes three CDs, a floppy (Intel Edition only), and documentation. The package does not include other software, for example compilers and utilities.

  3. Can I download Solaris software from the web?

    1. At this time, the only way to get Solaris through this promotion is to request a copy over the web at http://www.sun.com/developers/solarispromo.html, with payment by credit card only. Your copy will be shipped to you. Solaris has not been made available for download at this time.

  4. What languages are supported in this release?

    1. The package includes Solaris 7 Software, English version, which also includes support for Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, and Svenska.

  5. I have a workstation which includes a license for Solaris, so what is the advantage of the Free* Solaris promotion to me?

    1. If you are not currently running the latest version of Solaris, this program enables you to upgrade to the most recent version.

  6. I hear that Sun will be announcing a new release of Solaris in a few months, so how do I get a follow-on release of Solaris?

    1. Yes, we are now supplying Solaris 7. We deliver the latest release of the Solaris operating environment. When new releases of Solaris become available, they will be added to this program, provided that the program is still being offered. You will be able to request them as well.

  7. What are the restrictions on using free* Solaris?

    1. The Solaris operating environment copies provided by this program are for non-commercial** use only. Please read the License for complete details.

  8. Can I share my copy of the media with a friend?

    1. No, not at this time. Sun does not have a licensing mechanism to allow this to happen. Sun may provide this in the mid-term for everyone, and in the short term, are investigating special arrangements at university campuses (possibly for implementing around the end of 1998).

  9. When I get the desktop media, or site license, can I use Solaris as a server or on a multiprocessor system?

    1. Yes, these are no specific limitations in the license agreement that prevents use as a server or use on a multiple cpu system. However, you are not entitled to buy the server media kit or licensed to use any of the extra software that the server media contains (example: disk-suite and backup).

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Ordering Questions

  1. How do I order a free* copy of SolarisTM software?

    1. Go to http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/DE/solarisedupromo-survey.html and login/register at the Sun Developer Connection page.

      Note that this is for non-commercial** use and you will have to pay media, shipping, and handling charges.

  2. How do I get more than one free* Solaris licenses for the rest of my organization?

    1. Free* copies of Solaris are available only to individuals. Each individual must apply to receive a copy, provided that they qualify based on the program criteria. For information on purchasing unrestricted licenses for Solaris, contact your sales representative or go to http://www.sun.com/sales to find your nearest reseller.

  3. I want to order copies in bulk, how do I do this?

    1. This program is only indended to provide individual copies. A program extension is being developed for institutions to order in bulk, but this will not be ready until the end of the year. Institutions can order the Solaris SPARC edition desktop media or or the Solaris Intel edition media and license from Sun's normal buying locations. While the price is special to education, the cost is greater than that available when purchased through this program. More details at http://sun.com/edu/solaris/media.html

  4. What are the media and shipping costs for Solaris?

    1. The media cost for Solaris is $10.00 per platform. The shipping cost depends on the method of shipping as well as if the destination is inside the United States or not. Costs vary from $6.00 to $25.00 for shipping. The shipping methods listed on the ordering page are the only ones available. We only ship from the USA. Shipping costs were lowered when Solaris 7 began shipping.

      If you are not in the United States, your credit card issuer will translate the price from U.S. dollars to your local currency at the issuer's exchange rates.

  5. I do not have a credit card; how can I participate in this program?

    1. At this time, only credit and debit cards can be accepted for payment.

  6. How long should I expect for shipping?

    1. You should receive your shipment no later than four to six weeks after you place your order.

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Support Questions

  1. What are the minimum system requirements for the Solaris operating environment?

    1. Please see http://access1.sun.com/drivers/hcl/hcl.html

  2. Is installation service included with my copy of Solaris?

    1. Installation assistance is included with your free* copy of Solaris.

      To receive support, call: 1-800-USA4SUN.

      Outside of North America, please check the Installation
      Services page for your local support, http://sunservice.usec.sun.com/sunservice/flagpage.html

  3. How do I get support after installation?

    1. To receive additional support, beyond the documentation provided or located on the web at http://docs.sun.com, you can also refer to one of the Technical Support pages listed below.

      For Java technical support questions, please search the Java(SM) Developer Connection(SM) Question and Answer database at:


      For information about software and support packages and unbundled support available to Individual members of the Sun Developer Connection, please see:


      Company members of the Sun Developer Connection should also refer to the Technical Support Information for Enterprises at:


      Per incident support is available. See:


  4. What impact does the availability of free licenses for Solaris have on my ScholarPAC support agreement -- why do I still need this?

    1. A detailed answer is available on a special page.

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* Customer must pay media, shipping, and handling charges.
** "Non-commercial" means personal and not used for commercial gain or in connection with business operations (such as MIS or other internal business systems).

Last updated on: October 27, 1998

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