Configuration: UBC SunSITE

The UBC Sun SITE was originally served by a Netra/j 2/1300 server configured with 256MB of RAM. The server is connected via a 10Mb/s ethernet to UBC's backbone network. The system has an internal Fast/Wide SCSI-2 disk giving 4.2 GB of storage. An additional 12GB additional storage will be available when our SPARCStorage Disk Array goes on-line. The above equipment was donated by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

The Web Site was supported by a Netscape Enterprise Web-server, WU-FTPd FTP server, and an InfoSeek search engine by UltraSeek, Inc. Additional software tools include pwebstats, analog, mirror, and HyperNews.

This site is currently supported as a vitual host of the UBC Department of Mathematic's web server.

Development and deployment of software for interactive Web-based support for Mathematics courses is assisted by two Ultra/1 workstations, 10 JavaStations, and Java Workshop software from Sun MicroSystems, Inc. and JavaSoft, Inc.

The UBC SunSITE is located at the URL It went on-line December 15, 1997.

For further information, contact

Email: sunsite(at)math(dot)ubc(dot)ca
Bill Casselman
UBC SunSITE Director
Department of Mathematics, UBC