Latin dictionary: N

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nam : namque : (conj.) for.
Namucense : Namur.
narro : to make known, say, speak, narrate.
nascor nasci natus : to be born, spring forth.
natalis natalis : birthday.
natio : nation, people.
natura : nature
nauta : sailor.
navigatio : voyage, navigation.
navigo : to sail, navigate.
navis navis : ship, vessel, boat.
ne ... quidem : not ... even.
ne : (conj.) that ... not, in order that ... not, in order not to.
necdum (neque dum) : and not yet.
necessarius : necessary, needed, essential.
necesse : (adj.) necessary, unavoidable, indispensable.
necne : or not.
neco : to kill, slay, put to death.
nefas : wrong, sin.
nego : to deny.
negotium : employment, business, task, occupation, pains.
nemo : no one, nobody.
neo : to spin, interweave. (to spin thread and yarn).
nepos nepotis : grandson.
nequam : worthless, good for nothing, bad.
nequaquam : by no means, not at all.
neque ... neque : neither ... nor.
neque nec : and not, nor.
nequeo : not to be able, to be impossible.
nequitia nequities : worthlessness, badness, wickedness.
nescio : to be ignorant, be unaware, not know, be unknowing.
nichilominus : nevertheless.
nidor : vapor, smell, reek, odor.
niger : black.
nihil : (undeclinable) nothing
nihilum : nothing.
nimirum : of course, undoubtedly, certainly (sometimes ironical).
nimis : (adv.) too much, overmuch, excessively
nimium : (adv.) too much, overmuch, excessively.
nisi : if not, unless, except.
niteo : to shine, glitter, be bright, glow, be sleek, flourish.
nitesco : to begin to shine, grow sleek.
nitor : to strive, exert oneself, make an effort, persevere.
nitor : to rest, lean, support oneself / trust in, depend upon.
nitor : brilliance, brightness, glow, elegance, splendor.
Nivellensem : Nivelles, city and monastery.
niveus : white, snowy.
no: (nare, navi) : to swim, float, fly, sail.
nobis : (abl.) us / there'll be no one as happy as US.
nobis : (dat.) us / the world belongs to US.
nocens : bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
noceo : (+ dat.) to do harm to, inflict injury, hurt.
nolo, nolle, nolui : to be unwilling, wish not to, refuse.
nomen : name / nomen Romanorum: Roman power.
nominatim : by name, expressly.
nomine tenus : nominally, in name.
nomine tenus nominetenus : as far as the meaning of the word extends.
non : not.
nondum : not yet
nonnisi : not? not unless? Herimann, cap. 34.
nonnullus : some / pl. several.
nonnumquam : sometimes.
nonus : ninth.
nos : we / WE live and die by that creed.
nos : us / they tried to tell US we're too young.
nosco : to become acquainted with, get to know.
noster nostra nostrum : our, ours.
noster nostri : our ours / OUR hearts beat as one.
noster nostri : our ours / that old dream of OURS
nota : mark, token, note, sign.
notarius : stenographer (class.), notary, legal scribe.
novem : nine.
novitas : newness, novelty, strangeness.
novo : to make anew, refresh, revive, change, alter, invent.
novus : novel, unusual, extraordinary / news, novelty, a new thing
novus : new, fresh, young, inexperienced, revived, refreshed.
nox noctis : night.
nullus : not any, no, none.
numerus : total, category, class, number.
numquam : adv. at no time, never.
nunc quidem : at one time ... then.
nunc : now, at the present time.
nunquam : never.
nuntio : to announce, report, relate.
nuntius : messenger, message.
nuper : newly, recently, not long ago.
nusquam esse : not to exist.
nusquam : nowhere, in no place, nothing, for nothing, never.
nutrimens : food, nourishment.
nutrimentus : nourishment.
nutrio : to suckle, nourish, bring up, rear.
nutus : a nodding, nod, command, will.
nutus : a nod, command, will / gravitation, movement down.

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