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Class math.topol.Braid.braid


public class braid
extends Object
Represents braids on $N$ strands and provides methods to manipulate such $N$-braids.

$Id:,v 1.11 1999/02/12 20:36:12 djun Exp djun $
Copyright (c)1998-1999 Djun Kim. The author reserves all rights.

Variable Index

 o crosslist
The braid word: a list of elementary generators.
 o zerovect

Constructor Index

 o braid(int)
Creates an empty braid with the given number of strands.
 o braid(int[])
Creates a braid from the given word in the standard generators (elementary braids), given as an int[] array.
 o braid(intArray)
Creates a braid from the given word in the standard generators (elementary braids), given as an intArray.
 o braid(String)
Creates a braid from the given String in the standard generators (elementary braids).

Method Index

 o ArtinDecomposition(braid)
Returns a Vector of intArrays, which represents the fully combed form of the given (pure!) braid.
 o binomial(int, int)
Get small binomial coefficient ($n$ choose $k$) as an int, for small values of $k$.
 o comb(braid)
Returns a braid, which represent the fully combed form of the given (pure!) braid.
 o dbinomial(int, int)
Returns large binomial coefficient $(-1)^{k1} \times k! / k1! (k-k1)!$
 o embed()
Returns this braid naturally embedded in a braid with one more strand.
 o factorialExpansion(int, int)
Returns the factorial expansion of $g$ down to the $(r1 - 1)$-th position.
 o freeCanonicalForm(braid)
Returns a braid which is equivalent to this braid, but which is presented as a product of free group generators.
 o freeReduce()
Reduces this braid, in the free group.
 o getLength()
Returns the length of this braid.
 o getNumStrands()
Returns the braid index (number of strands) of this braid.
 o getPermutation()
Returns the permutation of this braid.
 o init()
Initializes the variables required for the polynomial computations.
 o inverse()
Returns the inverse of this braid.
 o isPure(braid)
Returns true if and only if the given braid is a pure braid.
 o random(int, int, Random)
Returns a pseudo-random braid of given index, of length less than or equal to the given length.
 o random(int, Random)
Returns a pseudo-random braid of given index.
 o retract(int)
Returns the k-fold retraction of this braid, that is, the braid resulting from deleting the last k strands.
 o seedRandom()
Initializes the pseudo-random braid generator with a "random" value (given by the system clock).
 o seedRandom(long)
Initializes the pseudo-random braid generator with the given seed value of type long.
 o setBraid(intArray)
Sets this braid to the given braidword, expressed as an intArray.
 o setNumStrands(int)
Sets the braid index (number of strands) of this braid.
 o thread()
Creates a representation of this braid as a vector of crossings, with each crossing recording its index, which strands are involved, and whether it is a positive or a negative crossing.
 o times(braid)
Returns the product (this braid)*(b).
 o toFreeGenList()
Returns a list (intArray) representation of this braid, as a sequence of free generators.
 o toFreeGenTeXForm()
Returns a String representation of this braid, written as a string of free generators.
 o toString()
Returns a string representation of this braid.
 o toTeXForm()
Returns a String representation of this braid, formatted as TeX input.
 o two_variable(PrintWriter, StringBuffer)
Computes the two-variable polynomial from a braid.
 o untwist(braid. disk)
Untwists an "innermost" twist of form $\sigma_k^{\mp 1} \cdots$ (other generators involving strand $n$) $\cdots \sigma_{\ell}^{\pm 1}$, where $\sigma_k$ and $\sigma_{\ell}$ involve strands $i$ and $j$, and are opposite in sign.


 o crosslist
 public intArray crosslist
The braid word: a list of elementary generators.

 o zerovect
 public static final int zerovect[]


 o braid
 public braid(int numStrands)
Creates an empty braid with the given number of strands.

 o braid
 public braid(int braidword[])
Creates a braid from the given word in the standard generators (elementary braids), given as an int[] array.

 o braid
 public braid(intArray braidword)
Creates a braid from the given word in the standard generators (elementary braids), given as an intArray.

 o braid
 public braid(String braidword)
Creates a braid from the given String in the standard generators (elementary braids).


 o getLength
 public int getLength()
Returns the length of this braid.

 o setBraid
 public void setBraid(intArray braidword)
Sets this braid to the given braidword, expressed as an intArray.

 o isPure
 public static boolean isPure(braid b)
Returns true if and only if the given braid is a pure braid.

 o getNumStrands
 public int getNumStrands()
Returns the braid index (number of strands) of this braid.

 o setNumStrands
 public void setNumStrands(int numStrands)
Sets the braid index (number of strands) of this braid.

 o embed
 public braid embed()
Returns this braid naturally embedded in a braid with one more strand.

 o retract
 public braid retract(int k)
Returns the k-fold retraction of this braid, that is, the braid resulting from deleting the last k strands. Assume that this braid has been threaded. Returns null if such a retraction is undefined.

 o inverse
 public braid inverse()
Returns the inverse of this braid.

 o times
 public braid times(braid b)
Returns the product (this braid)*(b). Doesn't attempt to reduce the result.

 o freeReduce
 public void freeReduce()
Reduces this braid, in the free group. Also removes any zero entries.

 o untwist
 public void untwist(braid. disk D)
Untwists an "innermost" twist of form $\sigma_k^{\mp 1} \cdots$ (other generators involving strand $n$) $\cdots \sigma_{\ell}^{\pm 1}$, where $\sigma_k$ and $\sigma_{\ell}$ involve strands $i$ and $j$, and are opposite in sign.

startindex - points to the crossing $\sigma_k$
endindex - points to the crossing $\sigma_{\ell}$.
 o ArtinDecomposition
 public Vector ArtinDecomposition(braid pb)
Returns a Vector of intArrays, which represents the fully combed form of the given (pure!) braid.

 o comb
 public braid comb(braid pb)
Returns a braid, which represent the fully combed form of the given (pure!) braid.

 o freeCanonicalForm
 public braid freeCanonicalForm(braid inbraid)
Returns a braid which is equivalent to this braid, but which is presented as a product of free group generators. This assumes that this braid is in fact an element of the normal subgroup of the pure n-strand braid group which is the kernel of the retraction map, in the form of a product of the free (Artin) generators. No checking is done on input!

See Also:
 o getPermutation
 public int[] getPermutation()
Returns the permutation of this braid. The permutation is given as an array of numStrands integers, which represent the permutation of the braid on the array [0, ... , numStrands].

 o seedRandom
 public static Random seedRandom(long seed)
Initializes the pseudo-random braid generator with the given seed value of type long. This returns an instance of class Random, which is a "handle" to a random number generator.

 o seedRandom
 public static Random seedRandom()
Initializes the pseudo-random braid generator with a "random" value (given by the system clock).

 o random
 public static braid random(int index,
                            int length,
                            Random randgen)
Returns a pseudo-random braid of given index, of length less than or equal to the given length. The braid is generated by invokation of methods in java.util.Random. A random number generator must be supplied, for example by a call to seedRandom. Note: the value of index should satisfy 1 < index < 128.

 o random
 public static braid random(int index,
                            Random randgen)
Returns a pseudo-random braid of given index. The braid is generated by calls to the methods of java.util.Random. A random number generator must be supplied, for example by a call to seedRandom. Note: the value of index should satisfy 1 < index < 128. The length of the braid will be a random number between 0 and 128.

 o thread
 public void thread()
Creates a representation of this braid as a vector of crossings, with each crossing recording its index, which strands are involved, and whether it is a positive or a negative crossing.

 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this braid.

toString in class Object
 o toTeXForm
 public String toTeXForm()
Returns a String representation of this braid, formatted as TeX input.

 o toFreeGenList
 public intArray toFreeGenList()
Returns a list (intArray) representation of this braid, as a sequence of free generators. This assumes that this braid has already been put into the appropriate form by a call to freeCanonicalForm. The generators are given by $$ x_i = \sigma_{k} \sigma_{k-1} \cdots \sigma_{i}^2 \sigma_{i+1}^{-1} \cdots \sigma_{k}^{-1} $$ which is represented as $i$. The inverse is given by $-i$.

 o toFreeGenTeXForm
 public String toFreeGenTeXForm()
Returns a String representation of this braid, written as a string of free generators. This assumes that this braid has already been put into the appropriate form by a call to freeCanonicalForm. The generators are given by $$ x_i = \sigma_{k} \sigma_{k-1} \cdots \sigma_{i}^2 \sigma_{i+1}^{-1} \cdots \sigma_{k}^{-1} $$

 o init
 public void init()
Initializes the variables required for the polynomial computations. This method must be called before any polynomial may be calculated. Since it initializes an structures which are factorially large in the size of the input, it may consume significant computational resources. Once the global tables are initiallized, however, subsequent polynomial computations are fast.

 o two_variable
 public void two_variable(PrintWriter out,
                          StringBuffer braidstr)
Computes the two-variable polynomial from a braid.

 o dbinomial
 public static double dbinomial(int k,
                                int k1)
Returns large binomial coefficient $(-1)^{k1} \times k! / k1! (k-k1)!$

 o factorialExpansion
 public static int[] factorialExpansion(int g,
                                        int r1)
Returns the factorial expansion of $g$ down to the $(r1 - 1)$-th position.

 o binomial
 public static int binomial(int v,
                            int v1)
Get small binomial coefficient ($n$ choose $k$) as an int, for small values of $k$.

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